Friday 30 January 2015

Once again the Church of England and the Catholic Church seek to use their influence to interfere with due political process by pressuring the UK government to not pass a bill allowing mothers of genetically abnormal children the opportunity to rid themselves of this distressing condition.


Yet another insight into how religion is constantly given a voice which effects everyone's lives, regardless of their personal beliefs, in a country that supposedly prides itself on it's lack of fundamentalism.

Another dismal glimpse into the Church's modern attitude to the right of women to have command over their own bodies.... where they have always been - medieval, oppressive and morally repugnant.

Still, the Church isn't all bad... after all it welcomed a new female bishop into it's ranks. Oh well, as one door on human rights is blocked by having a huge stone rolled in front of it... another one opens..

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Jan 27th 2015

The Church of England consecrated its first female 

bishop during a ceremony at York Minster yesterday.

Seen a ground-breaking moment for

 womankind, the church showed it can accept a female

 into it's own ranks, warts and all, without feeling

compelled to hang her from the nearest tree.


Saturday 24 January 2015

Weekend NewsRant

Weekend NewsRantJan 24th 2014


Giant evil rats have invaded the islands of 
South Georgia, part of the Falklands, decimating local bird
populations. Not native to this part of the world, it is
understood the huge, brown horrors emerged from an 

abandoned ship containing ex PM Thatcher’s statue in a crate of heavily contaminated soil that mysteriously ran aground on nearby rocks.


BBC News Channel anchorwoman, Naga Munchetty announces
 her betrothal to mad inventor. 

After the ceremony she will be formally known as 

Naga Munchetty-Scrunchetty
- Boom! Boom!


Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has died. Still... 



The new culturally cuddly movie re-working of the musical Annie is still causing a stir at the box office - particularly the scene where the Little Blind Matchgirl is apprehended by the police and throttled to death for selling dodgy cigarettes